Infotec announced that it has been awarded a contract to design and manufacture TFT displays for the Crossrail project. The information displays will be installed in nine stations on the central section of Crossrail.
The contract has been awarded to Infotec by Siemens, which is responsible for the Crossrail Control and Communications Contract. Infotec’s products will assist with providing the best possible services for passengers with visual and hearing impairments. The station designers have decided to locate the Infotec next train information (NTI) displays above the platform edge doors to make them easier for passengers to read, rather than having to look along 250m platforms.
“Crossrail is a highly prestigious project for the UK and we are pleased and proud to be involved in it. Our products will meet the demanding needs of both the travelling public and the system operators,” Infotec managing Director Tim Court said.
Commissioning of the overall line is scheduled for the end of 2018.
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