High-speed solar train in California

A high-speed solar train will be powered entirely by solar energy in California, USA.

The announcement was made recently by the California High-Speed Rail Authority. The California High-Speed Rail Authority’s promising new project has had a bumpy road so far. This high-speed train will link localities along 1287.5 kilometres of California’s Central Valley.

It would be the start of a revolutionary new transport system linking the US west coast to Vancouver, Canada. It would also run east to Las Vegas before eventually crossing the entire continent. The project has been endorsed by Presidents Obama and Biden.

High-speed solar train getting more expensive

At the time of approval in 2008, the project’s estimated price tag was USD 33 billion ( EUR 30 billion ), with a scheduled opening date of 2020. In 2023, the system is nowhere near completion and has so far amassed USD 19.8 billion (about EUR 18 billion), with an estimated total bill of USD 128 billion (EUR 116 billion).

However, last month, 15 years after its initial approval, the California High-Speed Rail Authority announced that the new system will now be powered entirely by solar energy, backtracking on its original promise as a green alternative to highways and flights.

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