GRAMPET Group has launched the Train Hungary – Ljublijana Branch operations in Slovenia, expanding its rail freight activity to ten countries in the region.
“The expansion in Slovenia is part of the strategy to streamline and interconnect the services we provide to our international customers. Our operators are present with transport licenses and safety certificates on eight European networks and thus achieve a complete circuit of freight exchanges, which results into a stronger regional interoperability given better connectivity,” Gruia Stoica, the President of GRAMPET Group – Grup Feroviar Roman, said.
Stoica said that the first weeks of operations in Slovenia have generated very good results, in line with company’s projections of its entire international freight activity of the GRAMPET Group.
The division includes Grup Feroviar Roman, Train Hungary Budapest, Train Hungary – Zagreb Branch, Bulgarian Railway Company, Eurorail Logistics Serbia, Grampet Cargo Austria and Train Hungary – Ljublijana Branch. The logistics solutions and rail transport services are provided through a fleet of 20,000 wagons and 400 locomotives.
“Overall, these operators generate a significant part of our annual turnover, the most important results being produced in Hungary, Croatia and Bulgaria, where we keep growing steadily, from year to year. The experience and know-how that the GRAMPET – Grup Feroviar Roman team exported into each of these countries has proved to be essential for consolidating our presence on the European rail freight market,” Gruia Stoica explained.
Since its establishment, the company has expanded its presence as well as its solutions and activities provided to customers and is becoming a high-profile foreign investor in countries around the region.
In 2013 the group took over the Hungarian Debreceni Vagongyár factory, a leader with tradition in the European rolling stock repair market. Recently, GRAMPET announced the acquisition of the 28-hectare land on which the Debrecen Vagongyár factory in Hungary is located, for EUR 6.5 million. The investment is part of the ambitious EUR 14 million that the GRAMPET Group will invest over the next 5 years for the facility development.
“All these operations are profitable and increase their contribution to the group’s consolidated results every year. For us, this success is a clear proof that Romanian entrepreneurs can compete on an equal footing alongside leaders of their specific industries, on international markets. We are optimistic that there are important opportunities for regional consolidation and growth in the coming years, on the background of major infrastructure projects announced at European level and the global post-pandemic recalibration of supply chains. Our financial objective is to increase the international division’s contribution to 30% of the annual turnover over the next five years, by consolidating our existing activities and also by entering new markets,” Gruia Stoica says.
Founded more than 20 years ago, it became the first multinational with Romanian capital, expanding in turn in Bulgaria (2004), Hungary (2005), the Moldova Republic and Germany (2010), Austria and Slovakia (2012), Croatia (2016), Serbia (2018), and Greece (2019). It is currently analyzing expansion to six other European markets – Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
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