FS Italiane recorded a 4.3% increase of its net profit, reaching EUR 362 million in the first half of 2019.
The Group’s operating revenues rose, compared the first half of 2018, to EUR 5.98 billion with an overall increase of EUR 126 million, or 2.2%, along with a 7.5% ‘significant growth’ in EBITDA, to EUR 1.3 billion.
Transport service revenues reached EUR 3.75 billion, with a growth of EUR 100 million over the period, contributing to the positive performance of the FS Italiane Group.
Revenues from railway passenger transport of both the Long Haul and Short Haul business segments grew by EUR 48 million, as well as road passenger transport (+EUR 39 million) and railway freight transport (+ EUR 12 million).
During the January-June 2019 period, the demand for commuter transport grew by 1.3%, with over 12 billion passenger-km, compared to the first half of 2018, considering both domestic and foreign traffic volumes.
The investments reached over EUR 2 billion, of which more than 50% involved the maintenance in efficiency and safety of both the conventional and high-speed railway networks.
The operating costs, despite the growth in turnover, remain substantially in line with the first half of 2018, standing at EUR 4.68 billion (+0.8%). This is due to the implementation of saving policies, started in the second half of 2018.
The transport sector, which includes Trenitalia, Mercitalia, Busitalia and Netinera Deutschland recorded a net profit of EUR 163 million.
The infrastructure sector, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana and Anas recorded a EUR 191 million profit.
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