The project on Logistics Processes and the Motorways of the Sea II aims at developing transport connections on maritime waterways, railway lines and inland waterways, for the integration of the transport system into logistics chains. Under the circumstances, logistics platforms and the performance of railway infrastructure play a key role.
The European Commission has published a EUR 5.5 Million estimate for the individual contracts for the Logistics Processes and the Motorways of the Sea II, a project focused on hinterland connections and the efficient integration of railway and road operations into logistics chains.
The project promotes efficient, integrated and intermodal transport connections between the TRACECA and EU member states. Apart from Armenia, Azerbaijan, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, the associate countries invited were Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. The project will be implemented and finalized during April 2010-April 2014.
“The project carries on the implementation of the programmes for the Motorways of the Sea – the Black and the Caspian Sea, for the international logistics centres in the Caucasus Region , the new independent western countries (NIS) and Central Asia, and addresses rail, RO-RO and container transport and, of course, connections to intermodal logistics centres. Facilitating freight flows between the two regions, ensuring the interoperability of ports and hinterlands through logistics platforms, these are the most important objectives of the project”, declared Andreas Schoen, MoS Black Sea, Team Leader Dornier Consulting.
According to estimates, there are major bottlenecks hindering transport services and interrupting the logistics chain, especially in ports, in the areas that don’t have enough capacity to store a large number of containers and operational logistics platforms for making services to ports efficient.
The infrastructure is the main factor ensuring a continuous, efficient and safe transport. Without a performing infrastructure and spaces for storing the freight, the logistics chain could not be ensured. “The infrastructure is the one promoting intermodal, maritime, railway and inland waterways transport. Logistics platforms need modern storing facilities and a transport management”, said Kiril Nikolov, Executive Director of the National Companies for Industrial Zones (Bulgaria), managing terminals at the pan-European junctions providing connexion between the European Union and Asia.
As country invited in this project, Bulgaria has a high potential, especially due to its geographical position, for developing transport routes, both maritime and railway. The port of Burgas plays a key part in existing activities, due to its routes dedicated to the goods transport. “As important terminal of the pan-European Corridor 8, the port of Burgas ensures transport on the eastern direction in TRACECA region, being considered main link between Europe and Central Asia. The development of the latest terminal ensure a much higher and efficient transport flow in the delivery of freight”, declared Dian Dimov, Executive Director of the Port of Burgas.
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