On January 21, 2016, the final breakthrough in the west tube of the Ceneri Base Tunnel took place, with the scheduled commissioning of the 15.4-km-long tunnel at the end of 2020.
The 15.4-km-long Ceneri Base Tunnel consists of two single-track tunnels, which every 325 metres are linked by an approximately 40-metres-long cross passage. Because of the tunnel’s shorter length, no track crossovers or emergency-stop stations are needed.
In the coming months, further progress will be made on the tunnel lining. By the end of 2016, all tubes and adits will have been completely lined and concreted. The railway infrastructure system specialists are fitting out the tunnel with mechanical and electromechanical systems such as doors, ventilation systems and building management systems.
The Ceneri Base Tunnel was excavated entirely by drilling and blasting. First preparatory work was performed already in 1997. The second final breakthrough, in the east tube, will take place at the beginning of next week.
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