Extension of the Underground line 4 new stations, a terminal, a depot and the first park&ride in Romania

Another development project regarding the underground network in Bucharest aims at the extension of the Underground line 4 by two more stations: Laminorului and Străuleşti, the latter benefiting from the first intermodal terminal for inter county transport. The authorities intend to develop the underground transport so as to become complementary to the surface one.
Through the accomplishment of Lac Străuleşti project, the development of an integrated and anti-competitive transport system is considered and through the implementation of some exchange poles such as the one from Lac Străuleşti, the willing giving up to personal vehicles in favour of interurban public transport will be stimulated.

This project has been designed together with the idea of Underground line 4 extension by 4 more stations. In July 2011, Metrorex put in service two stations (Jiului and Parc Bazilescu) with a 2.62 km double line, the necessary investment being of EUR 72.5 Million, financed from the state budget. This is the first underground extension turnkey project to be developed since until the present moment the version of tenders separated according to systems, to structure works, lines and rolling stock has been favoured.
In June, Metrorex published the information notice for the procurement of construction works in the tunnels, shafts and underground passageways, for the underground stations and technical design services for the transport infrastructure. The assignment procedures will be initiated on October 3, 2011, and the project will have to be completed within 2 years. The contract value is estimated at RON 375 Million (EUR 90 Million). “The contract will include the design and execution of Laminorul and Lac Străuleşti stations. A multimodal terminal for buses and minibuses, the first park&ride and an underground depot will be built in the latter. I hope that in winter of 2011 we will be able to initiate structural works at Parc Bazilescu and Străuleşti and inaugurate two new stations in two years and a half”, said Gheorghe Udrişte, General Manager of Metrorex.
As for the park&ride project as far as the passengers are concerned, the travel charge will also include the parking or, the other way around, the cost of the parking will also include the travel to the inner part of the Capital. In May, the Ministry of Transport launched the Government decisions draft on the extension of M4 by the construction of the terminal, the parking, a dispatch centre and a bus station. The final investment is estimated at about RON 1.22 Billion (EUR 292 Million). According to the law, the investment will be developed during four years and will be financed by the European Investment Fund, from the state budget and from Metrorex’s own sources.

[ by Pamela Luică ]
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