Czech Railway Research Institute, VUZ, issued two TSI conformity certificates to Evraz NTMK, for solid-rolled 920 mm railway wheels of BA 314 and ВА 005 types.
Specially for these wheels, Evraz NTMK’s steel-shop produces high-quality steel of the ER7 grade.
During the pre-certification audit, the plant proved efficiency of its quality management system and its conformity to the TSI requirements. Prior to certification, the wheels passed the cyclic and thermo-mechanical tests in an accredited Czech laboratory.
‘EVRAZ’s objective is to expand its product portfolio with product types that are most popular in the company’s strategic markets and key product segments. In 2016, EVRAZ NTMK is planning to launch production of new freight wheels for North American markets, including those with increased rim hardness, and two more European-standard wheel types for freight cars,” says Ilya Shirokobrod, Evraz Vice-President.
Evraz NTMK holds five TSI certificates. The earlier certified wheel types ВА 318, ВА 319, and ВА 004 are also intended for freight cars.
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