European Commission approved Hungary’s Integrated Transport Development Operational Programme (ITOP), that is mobilising EU funds of HUF 1,032 billion (EUR 3.4 bn) to provide support among others for the construction of still missing road sections between the country borders and county seats, the electrification of railway lines, the elimination of railway bottlenecks and slow zones, the acquisition of suburban multiple units and local buses and the establishment of passenger transport hubs and transit connections.
As a result of the developments, the accessibility of cities, towns, and economic regions of outstanding importance is to improve in all parts of the country. The service standard of community transport is to increase; travel times are to noticeably shorten along the Hungarian railway network. TDOP includes supporting the completion of earlier started projects implemented in sections as well as preparing new investments. In addition, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) may contribute by another HUF 400 bn (EUR 1.3 bn) to the development of the Hungarian sections of international road, railway and waterway core network corridors.
Within the framework of the two operational programmes- Integrated Transport Development Operational Programme (ITOP) and the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme (EEEOP)- Hungary can spend, considering own funds as well, almost HUF 2,400 bn (EUR 7.8 bn) on transport, environmental and energy efficiency investments in the years to come.
We remind that at the end of January, the European Commission has approved an investment of more than EUR 220 million from the Cohesion Fund (CF) to modernise the rolling stock fleet within the Hungarian regional railways with the purchase of 42 trains. The project is supposed to be completed by the end of the year. The investment is provided by the programme “Transport” under the priority axis “Improving urban and suburban public transport, environment-friendly developments”. The European Union, trough the CF will finance almost EUR 221 million out of a total investment of almost EUR 260 million.
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