EUR 1.3 billion requested for military mobility

Military MobilityCINEA has received 63 project proposals requesting over EUR 1.3 billion in co-funding under the CEF Transport Military Mobility (MilMob) call launched in May 2022 with a total budget of EUR 330 million.

The entire evaluation process is expected to be concluded by the end of December 2022, when the results will be announced.

The call for proposals under the Military Mobility envelope supports projects concerning studies, works or mixed projects, covering both studies and works, for all transport modes. Projects must be located on the TEN-T and the EU military transport network and must take into account the infrastructure requirements applicable to certain categories of dual-use infrastructure projects.

Between 2021 and 2027, the Connecting Europe Facility has a EUR 25.8 billion budget for transport infrastructure projects, EUR 11.29 billion of which are earmarked for countries eligible to receive support from the Cohesion Fund, while EUR 1.69 billion is the budget to be allocated for military mobility projects which will see an adapted and improved infrastructure to allow the dual use – civilian and military movement.

To facilitate the movement of military troops and assets an integrated and improved infrastructure is essential which will increase the security of European citizens.

In 2018, an action plan was adopted by the European Commission and the High Representative which identifies a series of operational measures to tackle physical, procedural or regulatory barriers, which hamper military mobility within the EU.

The development of military requirements for transport infrastructure and geographical data is the starting point for an effective and coordinated approach to military mobility across the EU.

To meet civilian and military needs and deliver increased capacity the investment in infrastructure projects is of great importance. The projects would include necessary upgrades of existing infrastructure and structures such as the bridges which should provide the suitable height or size and capacity to allow military mobility.


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