On 8 June 2016, the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Cretu, signed the decision on the amendment of Bucharest metro major project, “extension of Metro Line 4, Parc Bazilescu – Straulesti section”. The decision refers to the division of the project in two phases, between the programming periods 2007-2013 and 2014-2020.
Phase 1 is included in the programming period 2007-2013 and its eligible cost is EUR 65 million, of which over EUR 55 million is EU co-financing. The estimated initial cost of the whole project is EUR 97.7 million.
The extension of the Metro Line 4 by a 1.89 km segment will reduce by 65% the travel time by public transport along the corridor. The section will be used by an estimated 3.6 million passengers per year.
The project is part of the Operational Transport Programme, Priority Axis 1, “Modernisation and development of the TEN-T core network in order to develop a sustainable transport system and its integration in the transport networks of the European Union”, and is developed through the Cohesion Fund.
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