The logistics segment implies a series of vital activities, from transport, storage, distribution and payment systems, including a wide range of private agents. A competitive network is the spine of the international commercial exchange and improving logistics performance has become one of the most important development policies due to the major positive impact on the economic activity.
I nternationally, Bulgaria ranks 55th in the Logistics Performance Index (study elaborated by the World Bank), the logistics terminals being located at the important junctions which link Europe to Asia and providing easy access to the railway and in the neighbourhood of maritime and river ports. Railway transport requires the development of logistics and since Bulgaria is at the beginning of the economic development period, new economic players will emerge providing a stable vision of the transport segment and implicitly logistics. “The future of transport logistics coincides with the development of logistics solutions. And for that, operators have to have adequate vehicles and to implement information systems for developing connections between the market players”, declared Rudy Colle, Executive Chairman of UIRR (International Union of combined Road-Rail transport companies).
As many other EU member states, Bulgaria needs a national strategy for transport development and to create a network appropriate to the predictable demand and other relevant factors. This strategy consists in elaborating demand estimates, describing logistics solutions, financing, implementation development and elements, as the country needs an electrified railway transport.
Currently, most of retailers and traders focus their activity towards a “green” logistics and they are trying to reduce the environmental impact within their logistic system, as well as fuel consumption by calling on the eco-friendly transport.
Therefore, these analyses are focused on those commercial routes with the appropriate logistics services and where the routes lack necessary logistics, they call on the operators for introducing new services. “Logistics is extremely important both nationally and internationally. The development of Bulgaria’s Logistics Plan includes integration of transport system and infrastructure, implementation of environmentally friendly projects and implementation of the intelligent transport systems. Also, new intermodal terminals will be built in ports, and new distribution services will be introduced”, declared Simeon Ananiev, Chairman of the Bulgarian Association of Railway Carriers.
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