The European Investment Bank is expecting to provide a EUR 55 million funding as it is evaluating the Leskovac – Karlovac railway project which includes modernisation works and the construction of a double-track section.
The EIB funding will contribute to the modernisation of the Leskovac – Karlovac railway, which is part of the M202 Zagreb Main Railway Station – Rijeka, one of the most important lines in Croatia because it connects the capital Zagreb with the most important Croatian Adriatic port in Rijeka.
The project envisages the reconstruction of the existing section and the construction of the second track on the 44 km long section Hrvatski Leskovac – Karlovac.
The project also includes the conversion of three stations into stops, the reconstruction of four existing stops, the construction of noise barriers and the reconstruction of the existing level crossings. Under the project a new electronic signalling and interlocking devices, ETCS Level 1 and a new control-command infrastructure subsystem with remote control of external elements will be installed.
The section will be adapted for a maximum speed of 160 km/h, with an exception in the area of Mavračići, Jastrebarsko and Karlovac, where it will be 120 and 140 km/h respectively due to spatial constraints. The current single-track 25 kV AC 50 Hz electrified line will become a double-track line through the implementation of the project.
The grant contract for the project was signed in December 2019 by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Central Agency for Financing and Contracting of EU Programs and Projects and HŽ Infrastruktura. HRK 3.45 billion (EUR 455.1 million) is the value of the project, of which HRK 2.72 billion (EUR 358.5 million) is the eligible cost of the project.
The Project is co-financed by the EU under the OP “Competitiveness and Cohesion” 2014-2020 from the Cohesion Fund, with 85 percent of the eligible costs and 15 percent of the state budget.
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