The European Commission unveiled the results of the public consultation on the EU Urban Agenda during the 2nd European CITIES Forum, in Brussels. The consultation shows that Europe can help cities address common challenges and, in turn, contribute to the Commission’s priorities such as a resilient Energy Union with a forward-looking climate change policy.
The consultation shows a clear demand by stakeholders for more coordination between all of the EU policies with an urban dimension. On the basis of the wishes expressed in the public consultation the Commission is proposing to focus on specific priorities able to deliver and show results, such as smart cities; in particular when it comes to the low-carbon economy, climate-resilient cities and social inclusion; to apply better regulation tools effectively, withreinforced urban impact assessment and stronger stakeholder involvement and a better coherence and coordination of EUpolicies relating to cities, such as the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities (EIP-SCC), the Urban Innovative Actions or the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate ADAPT). Photo:
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