East West Railway Company has launched a tender for leasing a fleet of 12 – 14 three-car self-powered units under a four-year contract which includes the provision of maintenance services. The contract has an option for a two-year extension. The official invitation to tender was published on March 9 in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).
The self-powered units would be with modifications including ETCS Level 2 and Driver Controlled Operation (DCO) capability, supported by a full maintenance package.
The trains are being procured for the section of East West Rail is a proposed new rail link under development which would connect communities between Oxford, Cambridge, Bedford and Milton Keynes, creating new opportunities for people.
East West Railway Company began a rolling stock market engagement exercise in 2018, hosting workshops and meetings with organisations from across the market. The conclusion of the market exercise was announced through a Prior Information Notice (PIN), which was lodged in July 2019 and published in the OJEU. The PIN requested that interested parties refrain from further interaction with East West Railway Company until the formal process began.
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