Integrated transit IT solutions provider CSinTRANS Inc. (CsiT) announced that its proposal for the Genius Transit Challenge was chosen as one of the best submissions. CSiT was selected as a winner in Category 2 – Rapidly Deploy Modernized Subway Cars to the Subway System. The Genius Transit Challenge is a worldwide competition launched in June 2017 by the governor of New York state to find the best ideas to improve the transport systems in New York City.
“CSiT is honored to have been selected as having one of the best ideas for this challenge. Implementing a multi-modal transit information system such as its flagship product TRANSIS will contribute to improve the reliability of rail cars as well as help reduce future capital and maintenance costs of rail car equipment at the MTA. At the same time, customer information to the passenger will be greatly improved by providing the MTA the means to communicate relevant and timely information to travelers with a world-class customer communication network. We thank the MTA for taking such a bold and novel approach to finding the best innovative solutions worldwide,” said Marshall Moreyne, CEO of CSiT.
CSiT has been in a loan agreement qualification trial with New York City Transit (NYCT) over the past year. The loan agreement trial was designed to test and validate in an operational setting the multi-modal integrated communications capabilities of TRANSIS-Train that include public-address and intercom, passenger infotainment with media/advertising capabilities on LCD displays, passenger information on LED displays, train operator user interface on train operator displays and CCTV.
TRANSIS-Train is installed on a four-car train from NYCT’s R68 fleet and will shortly be successfully completing its one year trial period in the NYCT Subway System. These advanced communications capabilities provided by CSiT have never been available on NYCT trains before and are part of the smart cities evolution that is being implemented by municipalities and transit agencies.
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