Crossrail 2 received a huge boost, as the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced funding in the Budget allowing Transport for London (TfL) and Network Rail to forge ahead with full scale technical development of the railway. This will enable construction to start in the early 2020s, which would allow the railway to be operational by 2033.
“It is now full steam ahead. We now aim to push ahead at full speed and will submit a hybrid bill in this Parliament to start construction as soon as possible. This is an investment in the whole country’s future and last week the National Infrastructure Commission confirmed our view that Crossrail 2 was essential to the UK’s economy and urged that it should be taken forward as a priority. That is what we plan to do,” Daniel Moylan, Interim Chairman of Crossrail 2 Ltd, said.
TfL and Network Rail also published a comprehensive summary of the feedback received in response to the latest consultation which ended in January this year. The responses will help inform further design work.
This summer TfL will be publishing its responses to the issues raised, more detailed technical assessments will also be carried out with Network Rail which will help refine proposals. Further consultation will be carried out in some areas later this year.
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