Network Rail has announced the start of its GBP 45.4 billion (EUR 53 billion) CP7 rail improvement plan, to deliver a simpler, better, greener railway that provides the best level of train performance possible and that’s more geared-up than ever before to cope with the extremes of climate change.
Under this five-year plan, a GBP 40.6 billion (EUR 47.4 billion) investment is planned in England and Wales, funded by the Department for Transport, and GBP 4.8 billion (EUR 5.6 billion) in Scotland, funded by Transport Scotland.
“Delivering a better railway for passengers and freight users is at the heart of our new five-year investment plan. Tackling climate change, safely improving train performance, adapting and responding to changing commuter habits whilst managing an ageing infrastructure requires the whole industry to rally for the benefits of all rail users,” Andrew Haines, chief executive of Network Rail, said.
Over the five years to 2029, Network Rail will invest around GBP 2.8 billion (EUR 3.3 billion) in technology and climate resilience activities which include core renewals and maintenance that will deliver primary weather resilience benefits.
Over the course of CP7 rail improvement plan Network Rail will spend:
- GBP 19.3 billion (EUR 22.5 billion) on renewals (replacing old assets with new as well as investing in other capital expenditure to create a railway fit for the future e.g. digital signalling)
- GBP 12.6 billion (EUR 14.7 billion) on maintenance (day-to-day upkeep of current assets) with regions spending 6% more on maintenance activity compared with CP6
- GBP 5.3 billion (EUR 6.2 billion) on support functions (things like safety & standards, timetabling, IT, HR)
- GBP 4.4 billion (EUR 5 billion) on operations (things like signalling, stations, network controls)
- GBP 1.8 billion (EUR 2 billion) ‘risk fund’ (a pot to be used as and when to cope with significant unforeseen events)
Through CP7 Network Rail’s income will come from grants from the Governments of England & Wales and Scotland (GBP 29.8 billion), from track access charges from train operators (GBP 13.8 billion) and commercial income (GBP 1.7 billion).
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