On 9 July 2015, the Council’s Permanent Representatives Committee agreed its position on the draft 2016 EU budget, on the basis of a compromise text of the Luxembourg presidency.
The Council backed the funds proposed by the Commission for a number of priority areas. These include the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) aimed at boosting the economy, measures to manage migration flows, humanitarian aid and Erasmus. The Council’s position also reflects the payment plan agreed with the European Parliament in May 2015 to phase out the backlog of outstanding payment claims for the 2007-2013 cohesion programmes.
“I am confident that the Council’s position on the 2016 EU draft budget provides appropriate resources to mobilise productive investments, boost growth and employment and responds to the most politically pressing needs such as migratory management. In today’s economy it is of paramount importance that citizens get value for their money and that EU resources are used with accuracy and accountability”, said Pierre Gramegna, Luxembourg’s minister for finance and President of the Council.
Based on budget execution figures in recent years and laying down realistic absorption capacities for the future the Council believes that EUR 153.27 billion in commitments and EUR 142.12 billion in payments would enable the EU in 2016 to reach its policy objectives. This is EUR 563.6 million in commitments and EUR 1.4 billion in payments less than what the Commission proposed.
The Council’s position includes EUR 69.6 billion in commitments and EUR 65.9 billion in payments for Smart and inclusive growth; for Competitiveness for growth and jobs, the walue of commitments is EUR 18.8 billion and EUR 17.1 billion in payments; for Economic, social and territorial cohesion EUR 50.8 billion in commitments and EUR 48.8 billion in payments.
The Council is expected to formally adopt its position by written procedure at the beginning of September. It will serve as a mandate to the Luxembourg presidency to negotiate the 2016 EU budget with the European Parliament.
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