RB Rail AS and German company ETC Transport Consultants GmbH signed a EUR 499 thousand contract on preparation of the operational plan of the Rail Baltica railway. The final report of the operational plan should be ready in this autumn.
ETC Transport Consultants will have to prepare the overall operational plan concept for Rail Baltica railway line on short, medium and longer term. The concept will be the proposed organization for the transport offer, which will be realized on the corridor. The results of the operational plan study will be used to refine and improve the technical solutions and planning of the implementation of Rail Baltica. It will also serve in the optimisation of investments during the construction phase.
The Plan will incorporate all physical, technical, human and organisational factors and resources to set up the most efficient production organisation for the Rail Baltica railway. The major targets of the Plan are reduced operation costs for the infrastructure lifetime and optimised transport plans for final customers. This shall allow to ultimately transfer the maximum of market share to the rail and to Rail Baltica in particular, going in line with the Connecting Europe Facility objectives.
In total, nine applicants submitted their proposals to participate in the tender: Idom Consulting, Engineering, Architecture S.A.U, Ardanuy Ingerieria S.A., DB Engineering & Consulting GmbH, ETC Transport Consultants GmbH, Railistics GmbH, Ingenieria y Econonomia del Transporte S.M.E.M.P., S.A. – INECO, Systra SA, Geodata Engineering S.p.A., Italferr S.p.A.
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