The mass transit rail market in China is growing at a phenomenal rate. By the end of last year the network of routes in 19 major cities totalled 2,746 kilometres, with the largest proportion, 75 per cent, being accounted for by metro systems, according to Chen Jianguo, Vice President of the China Association of Metros (CAM), speaking at a press conference during InnoTrans 2014. By 2020 the network total is expected to increase to 6,100 kilometres, and to a further 14,000 kilometres by 2030. This expansion is matched by the corresponding investment which, by next year, the 13th Five Year Plan (2016 to 2020) will have doubled to two trillion RMB (approximately 253 billion euros), while under the 14th Five Year Plan (2021 to 2025) it will have risen to the equivalent of 633 billion euros. It is against this background that InnoTrans is being used to locate new partners and joint ventures all over the world, explained Wang Junli, Vice President of the China Academy of Railway Sciences (CARS), which organized the presentation at this trade fair by 28 of the leading companies in the Chinese rail industry, including the two giants, CNR and CSR.
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