Transmashholding sees drop in profit
Transmashholding posted a net profit of RUB 1.182 billion (EUR 17 million) in the first nine months of 2015, 90%…...
Transmashholding posted a net profit of RUB 1.182 billion (EUR 17 million) in the first nine months of 2015, 90%…...
The Virginia Railway Express (VRE) started commuter rail service from the new Spotsylvania Station on 16 November. VRE built the…...
Valley Metro will begin vehicle and system testing on the Northwest Phoenix light rail extension, preparing for the safe start-up…...
ScotRail received penalties totaling £265,282 (EUR 379,209) between July and September this year for failing to meet strict standards for…...
Translink NI Railways launched the first refurbished Enterprise train into passenger service as part of a £12.2 million (17.4 million…...
A new rail operating centre officially opened in Rugby. The building, operating 24 hours a day, is one of 12 […]
GE Measurement & Control has introduced the Compact Hollow Axle Tester (CHAT), which combines hollow-axle inspection mechanics and ultrasonic angle-beam…...
Bulgaria’s National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) has launched a tender for upgrades worth 125.2 million levs (EUR 64 million )…...
Turkmenistan has completed the construction of a section of Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan (TAT) railway to Afghanistan’s borders, a message from Turkmen government…...
Brookfield Rail has reached an interim rail access agreement with CBH Group, providing access and certainty for grain growers in…...
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