Metra and Parsons signed PTC contract
Chicago’s commuter rail operator Metra selected Parsons to install Positive Train Control (PTC) technology on its commuter rail trains. This […]
Chicago’s commuter rail operator Metra selected Parsons to install Positive Train Control (PTC) technology on its commuter rail trains. This […]
Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) announced that will replace the 40-year-old signal system on section of Brown/Purple Line Express. The authority…...
Jernbaneverket and Caverion signed a contract for delivering electricity solutions for Farriseidet-Porsgrunn railway project in Southern Norway. The value of…...
Starting with 1 September, Ukrzaliznytsia provides passengers with Wi-Fi Internet access on the Intercity and Intercity Plus trains. The internet […]
Huawei and RINA, a multi-national group which delivers verification, certification, conformity assessments announced the completion of interoperability testing between Huawei […]
Alstom, Transmashholding, Research and the Design Institute for Information Technology, the Automation and Communication in Railway Transport (NIIAS), and Skolkovo […]
A five-year project to upgrade the signalling system at Gothenburg Central which will almost double the station’s capacity has been…...
The West-Central Railways branch became the first branch of the Indian Railways to eliminate all unmanned level crossings from its…...
The Indian Railways plan to extend soon in four cities the mobile application to provide monthly season tickets and platform…...
Cubic Transportation Systems (CTS), a business unit of Cubic Corporation, has been awarded a USD12.6 million contract from the San…...
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