Transport Canberra announced the detailed design of the light rail stops along the Gunaghlin-Civic LRT route. There are two types of light rail stops, an island stop and a side stop. A side stop has platforms on either side of the 2 tracks whereas an island stop has the platform located between the 2 tracks.
The stop design has evolved from the earlier images published in 2016 at the time of Canberra Metro’s selection as the preferred consortium.
The proposed stops provide comfortable, functional and attractive places for everyone using the light rail system. The design is functional, modern and designed specifically for our Canberra environment. The roof provides a sense of warmth and generosity of space which responds to Canberra’s seasons.
Seven of the proposed light rail stops within Stage 1 are located on land under the planning jurisdiction of the National Capital Authority (NCA) and the other six stops are located on land under the planning jurisdiction of the ACT Planning and Land Authority.
Recently, the Australian Capital Territory government announced the name of the 13 stops between Civic and Gungahlin. The first stage of Canberra’s LRT project involves the construction of a 12 km route and 13 stations that will be served by 14 light rail vehicles. The line will be put into commercial services in 2019.
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