Bulgaria’s Commission for Protection of Competition opened proceedings following a complaint filed by local company Ros BG over a 170.5 million levs (87.2 million euros) tender for the reconstruction of the Sofia-Voluyak railway line. In addition to its complaint against the actions of state-owned rail network operator National Railway Infrastructure Company, which organized the tender, Ros BG also asked the Commission for Protection of Competition to suspend the tender process until it issues a decision.
The tender was opened in November last year. The deadline for submitting offers was extended twice over complaints filed with the competition authority. The tender is part of a larger project for the development of the railway line linking Sofia to the village of Voluyak situated some 12 km to the northwest. The project has an estimated value of 104.2 million euros, up to 73% of which will be provided under the EU’s Connecting Europe Facility.
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