The Delegation of the EU in Bosnia commended the country’s Council of Ministers for adopting the Framework Transport Policy 2015-2030 and urged the country’s parliamentary assembly to approve the policy shortly. Bosnia’s Council of Ministers adopted the policy with the aim to create a cost-effective and efficient transport system in compliance with the standards of the EU and the World Trade Organization.
If the parliamentary assembly adopts the policy, Bosnia will become one of the six Western Balkan countries eligible for a grant within the EU’s Connectivity Agenda, under which the EU plans to invest 1 billion euro ($1.1 billion) in developing and interconnecting transport and energy infrastructure in the region over the next five years.
As a first step, already in 2015, more than 100 million euro in pre-accession (IPA II) funds will be available for all countries, together with loan-financing from European financial institutions.
For Bosnia and Herzegovina this Core Network includes the highway and railway along Corridor Vc and Highway 2a from Gradiska through Banja Luka – connecting with Corridor Vc south of Zenica. It also includes the Sava river ports of Samac and Brcko and the Sarajevo International Airport.
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