Bombardier Transportation and its Joint Venture Partner BCP, working in close partnership with CSR Puzhen, announced that trams equipped with Bombardier technology have entered revenue service in Suzhou, China. These vehicles are produced by CSR Nanjing Puzhen Co., Ltd. (CSR Puzhen) under a technology license agreement concluded in July 2012 together with Bombardier Transportation. The order for 18 low-floor, five-module trams was awarded to CSR Puzhen in December 2012.
The 100% low-floor tramway trains are 32 meters long and 2.65 meters wide, corresponding with the Chinese customers’ demand for high passenger capacity. Their design, based on Bombardier’s FLEXITY 2 product platform, represents the leading-edge in passenger safety, comfort, and convenience, especially when entering and exiting the vehicle. In addition, the tram’s low energy consumption substantially contributes to the delivery of more environmentally friendly modes of transportation for the urban public.
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