Under a contract signed with Belarusian Railways, AŽD Praha will supply signalling equipment for the railway line Žlobin – Gomel. The contract worth CZK 350 mil (EUR 13 million).
The fully electronic station interlocking equipment ESA 44-BC for 6 railway stations, line signalling system ABE-1-BC for 90 km line section, diagnostics systems and supply stands, 2 railway level crossings PZZ-J and a testing sample of electromechanical point machines intended for testing operation will be supplied.
“All railway signalling technology will be manufactured and supplied by AŽD Praha within so called “turnkey project“ and the project is a big challenge considering its delivery terms“, explains the Foreign Marketing and Trade Department Director Petr Žatecký.
The production of the equipment will be provided by AŽD Praha experts in the Czech Republic and part of the supply equipment will be assembled by local companies upon the provided licence in Belarus.
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