Australia’s rail industry is intensifying its campaigning on issues of critical importance to the rail sector through the release of its ‘Rail’s Key Election Platforms’ manifesto, which identifies seven key platforms for all political parties to consider in the lead up to the New South Wales election.
The Australasian Railway Association (ARA) has developed seven ‘Key Election Platforms’ which identify the priorities of the Rail Industry. These platforms will be taken to the political parties for their response.
The Rail Industry is calling on all political parties to commit funding towards the critical rail infrastructure and investment needs of New South Wales in the lead up to the State election on 28 March 2015.
“The continued investment in rail infrastructure and services in New South Wales, in particular Sydney, is of critical importance if we are to meet the growing freight task and population growth forecasted for the state,” Chief Executive Officer of the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) said.
Passenger rail related platforms included the construction of the Western Sydney light rail project and ensuring the future of the NSW regional rail network, starting with the Sydney to Canberra route. When speaking about the state’s rail freight needs, Mr Nye reiterated the need for further investment in upgrading regional freight rail lines and getting the early works and construction underway to connect through to the planned Inland Rail network.
“Long and short haul rail freight infrastructure also needs attention in order to create greater efficiencies for primary industries. While the Hunter Valley boasts the world’s best heavy haul coal network, other primary industries, such as mining and agriculture, also need to be able to move their goods on rail reliably and competitively which can be achieved through upgrading existing regional freight lines and connections to the Inland Rail network,” continued Mr Nye.
“Looking at our import/export industry, short haul rail utilisation between the state’s ports and intermodal terminals is an issue of most importance to the industry. With the estimated volume increase in New South Wales, projects like duplicating the Port Botany rail line and ensuring the increase in mode shift to rail, will be vital to ensure the continued prosperity of the State’s economy.
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