Australia Government officialy opened the Rail Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) that will address global competition in the rail industry, improve rail rolling stock and infrastructure, develop rail technologies and manufacturing processes and refine national standards to create opportunities.
Rail Manufacturing CRC will foster, sponsor and direct collaborative research and commercialisation partnerships between key rail industry manufacturing stakeholders. The CRC will also collaborate with industry peak bodies and federal and state governments.
“The Rail Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre in Dandenong will assist the Australian rail industry and its stakeholders to foster innovation in order to better meet the challenges and opportunities presented by globalisation. Through our Rolling Stock Strategy and the Victorian Industry Participation Policy, we will provide new opportunities for Victorian apprentices and workers to build skills and capability,” Minister for Industry Lily D’Ambrosio said.
The Government’s USD 2 billion Rolling Stock Strategy: Trains, Trams and Jobs 2015-25 will help to establish a pipeline of upcoming projects for rolling stock, new infrastructure and improving capacity across the network.
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