Jacek Rutkowski, the CEO of PKP Cargo Centrum Logistyczne Małaszewicze and Shi Zhanyong, deputy mayor of Zhengzhou city, Henan Province, signed a Memorandum of Understating to promote international logistics cooperation and supply chains as part of the China-EU regional policy.
Under the agreement, by using Małaszewicze terminal, 10 million tonnes will be initially transported on the Silk Road route. Freight trains from China will cross Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus, to Poland, and from here, the goods will be dispatched to other European countries.
PKP Cargo and PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe will invest in Małaszewicze terminal to gradually increase the transhipment capacity, which, by 2026 will increase fourfold.
“Małaszewicz is the optimal terminal for freight transport services from China, as from here trains can be sent to every corner of Europe. We are already a large logistics hub and our potential will be even greater,” said Jacek Rutkowski.
Currently PKP Cargo Malaszewicze has 4 fully functional terminals, which are located near paneuropean trunk route E – 30.
The modernisation of Poland’s railway infrastructure will also be an engine for rail freight development. Modernization and reconstruction of the most important routes run by PKP PLK will increase the capacity of routes and will double the speed of trade and warehouses activities.
For China-Europe transport development, in 2017, PKP Cargo and Worldwide Logistics Group signed the agreement to tighten cooperation which would enable PKP Cargo to be established in China. The agreement is a implementation of the company’s development strategy focused on building a strong position of the Polish transport trademark on the international market. According to the company’s strategy, it has a chance to become a global logistics operator by 2020.
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