Alstom’s Metropolis sets sail for Los Teques

Alstom LosTequesAlstom has shipped a Metropolis train destined for the metro of the city of Los Teques  in Venezuela. It will take three weeks to transport the train from the port of Le Havre, where it boarded, to its final destination where it will be handed over to the client. Alstom is to deliver to Los Teques a total of 22 Metropolis, consisting of 6 cars each, which will, from the second semester of 2015, begin circulating on Line 1 and on Line 2, currently under construction.
The Metropolis for the city of Los Teques offer wide access doors, increased passenger capacity with corridors for circulating between the cars, internal LED lighting and a CCTV surveillance system. They are manufactured at the Alstom site of Valenciennes, which is specialised in the design, development, manufacture and testing of rail equipment for metros, tram-trains and double-deck trains.

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