Alstom to supply 47 locomotives to SBB Infrastructure

alstom SBBSBB Infrastructure awarded Alstom a EUR 175 million contract to supply 47 dual-mode locomotives. The locomotives, to be used for track works on SBB’s rail network and for shunting in the shunting yards of Lausanne Triage and Limmattal, are scheduled to enter commercial service in 2018. The 47 locomotives will be manufactured on Alstom’s site in Belfort, France. The project management will be carried out in Switzerland.
The locomotive for SBB Infra belongs to Alstom’s new Prima H4 dual-mode platform for shunting and track works. The locomotive, fitted with ETCS, runs at speeds of up to 120 km/h which allows easy integration into mainline traffic flow. The Prima H4 bi-modal locomotive is powered by an electric traction system and two diesel generators.
Particular attention has been paid to the design of the driver cabin. The large cabin (up to 4 people) has been conceived as a “working and waiting space” as track workers will not only be travelling aboard the train, but also spend time in the cabin while working on construction sites. The cabin is equipped with an HVAC  system and storage space for the personal belongings of the train crew. It is also protected against vibrations and air pressure when entering tunnels.

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