Alstom has obtained, for its locomotive maintenance activities at Belfort, the certification “Entity in Charge of Maintenance” (ECM). With this certification, issued for 5 years by CERTIFER, on the basis of European Regulation UE/445/2011, Alstom has become the first private French locomotive maintenance provider to be certified in all 4 domains: supervision, development, fleet management and execution.
This European certification will become compulsory by 2018 for every entity in charge of maintaining passenger trains. Notably, the regulation aims to harmonise the requirements to be met by maintenance entities across the entire European Union and in all the member countries of the OTIF.
Obtaining this certification, two years before the legal deadline, recognises Alstom’s expertise and performance across the entire spectrum of maintenance operations. It represents a guarantee of trust for its customers, guaranteeing the excellence, quality and security of its activities and will enable Alstom to leverage its knowhow with its international customers, notably those operating on freight corridors.
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