Alstom delivered to Canadian customer Rocky Mountaineer the third rebuilt luxury rail car. Alstom has already modernized and delivered two cars and will soon deliver a fourth. In 2016, Rocky Mountaineer confirmed that Alstom would rebuild two additional cars for its SilverLeaf Service fleet, bringing the total number of rebuilt cars, after project completion, to six.
Alstom’s scope of work includes a complete overhaul and conversion of the cars, including concept and design, interior and industrial design engineering, mechanical, electrical, and rail testing, as well as commissioning. Rebuilding and modernizing the cars extends their lifetimes by at least 10 years. In addition, by refurbishing, rebuilding and replacing interior and exterior rail car components, Rocky Mountaineer is adding more than 300 additional seats to its SilverLeaf Service capacity. The newly rebuilt cars also have new systems (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) to increase guest comfort, as well as new flat and curved windows that give guests a 167% larger viewing area than before.
Rocky Mountaineer operates a luxury tourist train service in the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada, showcasing the wild beauty of Canada’s west and the majestic Rocky mountains.
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