Alstom delivered its first Régiolis next-generation regional train to the Pays de la Loire region on 18 November . The Pays de la Loire region has ordered twenty Régiolis trains, ten with dual-mode motors (diesel and electric) and ten diesels. 72 metres long, these trains have four carriages and provide 218 seats. Half the carriages also have automatic passenger counting systems. These will help improve the monitoring of passenger traffic and occupancy rates in order to optimise operations. SNCF staff in the Pays de la Loire region will receive training in the new train during November and December 2014, in preparation for its entry into commercial service in January 2015.
It is modular and can be adapted to the requirements of each region: it is available in three lengths (56, 72 or 110 metres), has four levels of comfort to suit the distances covered and offers dual-mode or electric motors. Régiolis is an economical and environmentally friendly train due to its low energy consumption and reduced maintenance costs. Finally, it is accessible to everyone, as it has low, platform-level floors throughout.
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