Agreement to restore Łomża – Białystok rail route

Kolej Plus in PodlaskieThe inhabitants of Polish city of Łomża and other four Podlaskie communes between Łomża and Białystok will benefit access to railway transport due to an agreement signed for Kolej Plus in Podlaskie Voivodeship.

On July 18, 2023, Poland’s rail infrastructure PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe and the Marshal’s Office of the Podlaskie Voivodeship signed the contract for the implementation of investments under the governmental Programme for Supplementing Local and Regional Railway Infrastructure Kolej Plus until 2029.

The estimated value of the project is PLN 430 million (EUR 96.7 million) of which PLN 366 million (EUR 82.3 million) are secured from the state budget, while PLN 64.5 million (EUR 14.5 million) representing 15% of the total value will be covered from the voivodeship’s resources.

In the third quarter of this year the tender for the preparation of design documentation and works will be launched and the constructions are expected to begin in 2025 and to be completed in 2028.

The agreement between covers the revitalisation of the railway line from Łapy through Śniadowo to Łomża, which will enable the return of passenger connections on this route. Apart from occasional runs, the last passenger train left Łomża in 1993.

Along the 77 km section of the railway line covered by the project, it is planned to reconstruct the railway infrastructure to serve passenger traffic. The implementation of the investment will enable the operation of regional and long-distance trains and the new platforms will be adapted to the needs of all travellers, including people with reduced mobility. Comfortable platforms equipped with sheds, benches, signals and LED lighting will provide access to trains in Konarzyce, Koziki, Czachy-Kołaki, Kulesze Kościelne, Sokoły and Śniadowo , where a new stop will be constructed.

On the Łapy – Śniadowo – Łomża route, the tracks and engineering structures will be reconstructed, and the control devices will be renewed. An additional 1 km rail section will be constructed in Śniadowo, on the direction from Białystok towards Łomża, which will provide more efficient journey as the trains will not need to change the direction at Śniadowo station.

In addition, it is planned to build a passing loop in Czerwony Bór, which will ensure the possibility of constructing a better timetable and greater punctuality of trains.The level of safety at the junctions with roads and tracks will increase due to the renovation and modernisation of rail-road crossings, some of which will be equipped with additional security measures.

“The governmental programme Kolej Plus is dedicated for the construction, reconstruction and rival of railway infrastructure in Polish regions. Thanks to this agreement, the railway connections will return to Łomża. Cutting off the then provincial capital from rail transport in 1993 was a sad example of the irresponsible transport policy of Polish governments after 1989. We are systematically reversing these bad decisions and restoring hope to Polish citizens that, regardless of where they come from, they can count on the fact that today the Polish State is interested in their affairs and wants to solve their problems,” the Minister of Infrastructure Andrzej Adamczyk said.

Thanks to the revitalisation of the line, over 60,000 residents of Łomża and inhabitants of four communes located along the line. After the works are completed, the trains between Łomża and Łapy will run at a maximum speed of 80-100 km/h. The travel time of the fastest train from Łomża to Białystok, after completing all works and obtaining the necessary permits, should be 1 hour 35 minutes. It is estimated that approximately 24,000 people will use the railway connection monthly.

Kolej Plus in Podlaskie province includes only this project covering the revitalisation and electrification  of the railway line No. 49 Łomża – Śniadowo, as well as electrification and reconstruction of infrastructure on the railway line No. 36 on the Śniadowo – Łapy section.

The Kolej Plus programme includes 35 projects to be implemented in 11 voivodeships to provide small towns with more than 10,000 inhabitants rail passenger connection where these services are not provided or increased access to railways. The entire project covers more than 1,200 km of rail lines, out of which 372 km need revitalisation works (included into 12 projects), 484 km of existing lines must be reconstructed or extended (actions split into 13 projects), while 189 km will be new constructed lines. In addition, there are three documentation projects for the other 183 km of sections.

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