Adif, the Spanish railway infrastructure manager, and the Alstom – Indra – Constructora San Jose consortium signed a EUR 53 million contract to supply and install the safety and security systems for 12 tunnels for the Pajares Bypass high speed connection, on the Madrid-Asturias high-speed line.
The consortium is composed of Indra (35%), Alstom (35%) and Constructora San Jose (30%).
Under the contract, the consortium will supply the safety and security systems for the tunnels, including ventilation and firefighting systems, fire doors, emergency radio and gas detection.
Alstom will also provide the power supply for the entire system and will integrate it into the customer’s remote-control supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA). Assistance and emergency responses are also part of the package.
The 49-km Pajares Bypass is part of the future León – Asturias high-speed line which will substantially improve the railway connection between Madrid and the North of Spain. The project includes a 25-km bi-directional tunnel, the second longest tunnel in Spain, and will allow passenger and freight trains to cross the Cantabrian Mountains at high speed.
The installation of the security systems will contribute to easier, faster and more reliable connections between Madrid and the north of Spain. It will reduce the travel time on the Madrid-Valladolid-León-Oviedo / Gijón route and will ease the railway connection with the Asturian ports. With a double track section, it will also increase network capacity and ride comfort.
The bypass joins the municipalities of La Robla (León) and Pola de Lena (Asturias).
For Spanish railway infrastructure projects, Alstom and Indra have previously collaborated to equip and maintain the electromechanical installations in 32 tunnels on the Ourense-Santiago line and 4 tunnels on the Madrid-Valladolid high-speed line, including the Guadarrama tunnel, the longest in Spain. Alstom and Indra have also jointly installed security systems in the tunnels of the high-speed line between Antequera and Granada.
In Spain, Constructora San Jose executed works on various high-speed rail sections such as Madrid – Zaragoza – Barcelona – French Border, Madrid – Valencia, Madrid -Galicia and Madrid – Asturias. The company also performed works for the Contreras – Villargordo del Cabriel line, one of the most challenged projects in Spain as 85% of the route is made up of 3 tunnels and 3 viaducts.
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