Adif will allocate EUR 238.4 million to preventive and corrective maintenance services and auxiliary works for the electrical installations of the conventional railway network, specifically, 9,200 km of overhead lines and 341 electric traction substations, for a period of 36 months.
These facilities are an essential element of the railway infrastructure and their maintenance is key to ensuring that railway operations are carried out in safe conditions, keeping them in an optimal state of reliability.
Preventive and corrective maintenance for electrical installations
The scope of the contract includes preventive maintenance activities, which include scheduled tasks to maintain the operability and availability of the facilities, as well as activities arising from inspections of the facilities. Rapid intervention actions are also planned.
Corrective maintenance services, for their part, include activities supporting the resolution of incidents and the repair of switchgear, equipment and systems.
The contract provides for the supply of materials and the execution of improvement actions in the electrification facilities to increase their performance.
Adif has its own specialised teams and resources to carry out maintenance and upkeep tasks on electrical installations. In locations with a high density of this type of installation or for certain jobs, the company strengthens its response capacity with the support of specialised companies.
The contracted services are distributed across six geographical areas. Maintenance of the facilities in the Central, Northeastern and Northern areas will be carried out by the joint venture made up of the companies Electren, Elecnor Servicios y Proyectos and Syneox Rail.
The works in the North-West zone will be carried out by the joint venture formed by Teléfonos Líneas y Centrales and Syneox Rail; the works in the South zone will be carried out by the joint venture formed by Montajes Eléctricos Vinaelectric and Lantania; and the services in the East zone will be carried out by the joint venture formed by Lantania, Ispalvia, Construcciones Instalaciones y Tracción and Guinovart.
These works contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9, which promotes reliable, sustainable, resilient and quality infrastructure.
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