Additional RegioPanters enter services in Czechia

RegioPanter trains in Prague

České dráhy has put into operation more RegioPanter trains in Prague and in the Central Bohemian Region while the depot dispatches four units a day, taking over the S4 line transport operations on the short leg between Prague and Kralupy nad Vltavou. Altogether, they cover a total of 1,200 km per day.

“From the December timetable change at the latest, we will deploy 22 RegioPanter trains in Prague, the Central Bohemian Region and the Ústí nad Labem Region. They will serve the S4/U4 lines from Prague to Kralupy nad Vltavou and further to Roudnice, Lovosice and Ústí nad Labem and the accelerated R41 line of fast trains from Prague to Kolín and Kutná Hora,” Jiří Ješeta, Member of the Board of Directors and Deputy Director General for Passenger Transport of České dráhy said.

The existing fleet of CityElefant trains will be supplemented by 4,950 seats while the new trains are being put into operation as soon as they are taken over from the manufacturer, without waiting for a new timetable in December. “Thanks to this, we can already extend the operation of these trainsets on the S4 line to Kralupy nad Vltavou in August and during the autumn we will put them on other services to Ústí nad Labem and then on fast trains to Kolín,” Jiří Ješeta explains.

České dráhy ordered 50 two-car and 60 three-car RegioPanter trains from the Škoda Group and all units are to be put into operation by the end of this year. They will replace trains which are up to 30 years old and consist mostly of classical passenger cars and locomotives. They offer modern travel comfort in 10 out of 14 regions, namely Prague, Central Bohemia, Ústí nad Labem, Hradec Králové, Plzeň, South Bohemia, Olomouc, Moravia-Silesia, Zlín and Vysočina (Highlands).

The modern bright and well-arranged trains have air-conditioning system, ergonomic upholstered seats according to requirements of the Regional Authorities in the 2nd carriage class and possibly also in the 1st carriage class.

They provide passengers with limited mobility and increased wheelchair accessibility with the vehicle floor at the level of modern platforms without the need to climb stairs. The trainsets are equipped with a platform for wheelchair passengers to overbridge the space between the boarding platform and the vehicle floor, an additional pull-out step facilitates boarding at stops with lower platforms.

In addition, they have a modern audiovisual information system providing information about the train journey and stops to all passengers, including blind, partially sighted or deaf people. For the blind and partially sighted people, information labels in Braille will be available inside the trainsets as well.

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