Additional Cityjet trains for Salzburg

Cityjet trains for Salzburg

Five Cityjet trains for Salzburg, the Desiro ML series, are currently being assembled at ÖBB Train Tech in Jedlersdorf, in Viena. A number of work steps are still necessary at the factory before the trains can start operating. The first of five new vehicles will be completed in the next few months. They will be transferred to Salzburg in September and used for training purposes until passenger service begins.

From the end of September 2024, ÖBB’s new Cityjets will be in service for passengers on behalf of the Salzburger Verkehrsverbundes (SVV), the Salzburg Transport Association. The car bodies are currently at the ÖBB Train Tech factory in Vienna’s Jedlersdorf area and are being equipped with the latest technology. A special feature of the new trains includes their length – which are 100 metre-long, the longest local trains in Salzburg and offer a total of 290 seats.

“I have already been able to get an impression of the new trains and am very much looking forward to their first use. With even more space and comfort, we are making the switch from the car to public transport even more attractive,” Johannes Gfrerer, Managing Director of the Salzburg Transport Association, said.

In Salzburg, three- and four-car trainsets are currently primarily in use. Due to the sharp increase in passenger numbers, four-car multiple units with more seats are now primarily needed in Salzburg in order to be able to offer passengers on the busy S-Bahn routes the high standard and capacity expected by commuters.

“The four-car Cityjet Desiro ML trains will be another important part of our local transport fleet in Salzburg. With more space for bicycles, WiFi and charging options for mobile phones via a USB port, our passengers can expect a convincing offer,” says Gernot Hubner, Regional Manager Salzburg at ÖBB-Personenverkehr AG.

After entering operation, the Cityjet trains for Salzburg will deliver a new experience to passengers in the region’s local and regional transport system and will renew and expand the rolling stock with the latest generation of trains.

“The new vehicles will meet the pleasing increase in demand for public transport and make journeys even more pleasant. With even more space and comfort, we are improving the quality of local transport together with the Salzburg Transport Association and the ÖBB,” Stefan Schnöll, Salzburg Deputy Governor said.

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