Trenes Argentinos Infraestructura has launched construction works on the railway bridge over the Carcarañá River, which will allow freight trains to directly access the Argentina’s Gran Rosario port for the first time.
Expected to be completed in 2020, the new bridge will increase the freight volume by 142%, reaching 1.7 million tonnes. In addition, the direct railway access to the port’s terminals will reduce the logistics costs by 30%.
“This is a key project that we are implementing in the port of the Gran Rosario which will allow us to promote the development of Belgrano Cargas [the state-owned freight operator] and the production activities in the north of Argentina. Transporting and exporting more cargoes implies growth and economic development, “said Guillermo Fiad, the president of Argentine Trains Infrastructure.
The new 100-meter-long railway bridge comprises four sections with four parallel beams.
The project includes the construction of a new 10-km rail access section to the port’s terminals. USD 122 million is the value of the project, of which 70% is provided by the private sector, while 30% is covered from the state.
To reactivate the Belgrano Cargas, USD 3 billion are being invested for the construction of new railway lines, modernisation of the existing infrastucture, including the procurement of new rolling stock. 850 km of the existing lines are already rehabilitated, out of total 1,800 km scheduled to be modernised in Santa Fe, Salta, Chaco, Santiago del Estero, Tucumán and Jujuy.
The project is part of country’s USD 8.800 billion plan for the development of the entire freight transport system.
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