A new deadline for Alitalia’s takeover by Ferrovie dello Stato

At the end of last week, the Italian Government accepted the extension of the deadline until which Ferrovie dello Stato (FS), the Italian railway company, should submit a bid to take over Alitalia until July 15.

Ferrovie dello Stato

At the end of October, FS submitted a bid to takeover Alitalia which did not stipulate that it exceeded 50% of the social capital.

Ferrovie dello Stato is discussing with Delta Airlines which might take over 15% of the capital. Other 15% could be taken over by the Italian Treasury which would account for a public participation of 45%. In this case, one or more partners should be identified for the remainder 40%. In May 2017, Alitalia opened the insolvency proceedings for the second time in the past decade, after the employees rejected layoffs and other concessions related to a restructuring plan worth EUR 2 billion for saving the Italian air operator.

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