A EUR 1 billion transport strategy for Cardiff

Cardiff Councillor, Huw Thomas, unveiled a GBP 1 billion (EUR 1.11 billion) transport vision to cut congestion and improve air quality. “Cardiff’s transport network needs to change. It was originally designed for a city with a population of 200,000, but today our population is closer to 400,000 and there are another 80,000 commuters travelling into the city by car every day,” the Councillor said.
The strategy proposes an east-west LRT, which would connect major centres and new suburbs, a tram circle line linking large residential areas to the transport network, a BRT network, cycleways and walking routes which will be linked to the transport system, a new park and ride and an integrated ticketing system.
“Get transport right and it’s a game changer. It adds real impetus to a city’s economic development agenda. It helps tackle inequality by better connecting people with opportunity. It improves quality of life and provides a visible pointer to the city’s environmental credentials,” Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Transport, Caro Wild, said.

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