U.S. Port of Long Beach to build rail support facility

The Board of the Port of Long Beach approved the Pier B On-Dock Rail Support Facility, a project within the Harbor District that will move cargo faster, with fewer environmental impacts.
The proposed development would shift more cargo to “on-dock rail,” which places containers directly on trains at marine terminals. Currently, the ability to build long trains is limited due to the lack of adequate yard tracks and the configuration of mainline tracks. On-dock rail usage in the Port was 24% in 2017.
The Pier B facility would change this by providing track space to join together sections of trains assembled at terminals. No cargo trucks would visit the facility, enhancing the environmental benefits of pushing more cargo to rail transportation. The rail facility would be operated by Pacific Harbor Line, a switching railroad that has converted its fleet to clean-diesel locomotives that reduce air pollution and save fuel.
Next, the Board will consider a baseline budget for the project after preliminary designs are completed over the coming months.

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