Efacec to provide electromechanical systems for Odense LRT

The consortium formed by Efacec, Comsa and Munck won the international tender for the construction of the Odense Light Rail in Denmark. In this consortium Efacec is responsible for carrying out the entire electromechanical components of this project. The project has a value of nearly EUR 47 million for Efacec, which reflects the dimension and the integration of solutions that will be provided by the Portuguese company.
Within the contract, Efacec will provide traction substations, catenary, signaling, communications, public information, video surveillance, telephony, vehicle location and fleet management and the control center. Efacec was the company chosen, due to the technical and financial superiority of its proposal, in what was a very long and competitive international tender, that involved the largest international players in the sector.
This May, Comsa was announced as the preferred bidder for the railway systems contract for the 14.4 km line from Tarup Centre to Hjallese.
Odense Letbane selected Stadler Pankow to supply sixteen Variobahn low-floor trams, under a EUR 45 million contract. The first vehicle will be delivered to Denmark in autumn 2019. By the end of 2020 the fleet of trams should enter service.
The Odense Light Rail will have 14 km of line, 26 surface stations, a command center, 14 vehicles and 51 crossings. It is expected to carry 35,000 passengers daily and is planned to be operational by 2020.
Odense Lightrail is being constructed from 2015 to 2020. The light rail project was decided by the Council of Odense in 2011. The municipality of Odense, the Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing, and the Region of Southern Denmark are financing the project.


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