PKP Group wants to launch a transport corridor with Sweden

The PKP Group and the Swedish freight carrier Green Cargo AB are in talks about launching rail-ferry connections between Poland and Sweden. This initiative could become a significant impulse for the development of intermodal transport on the north-south route across the Baltic Sea. Recognizing the potential of this project, the PKP Group initiated a meeting with the Swedish carrier.

The talks were attended by Alan Beroud, President of the Management Board of PKP SA, Monika Starecka, Acting Member of the Management Board for Finance of PKP CARGO SA in restructuring, and Łukasz Grzesło, President of PKP CARGO International as On behalf of Green Cargo AB, Henrik Dahlin, CEO, and Shad Hallam, COO were present.

The talks focused on the possibility of launching intermodal connections between Poland and Sweden. First, the model for transporting container goods by sea through the Tri-City ports will be analyzed. In the longer term, it is planned to launch ferry connections using ships adapted to transport entire railway wagons without the need for reloading.

“Rail-ferry transport is a very promising market segment, enabling significant time savings in international freight transport. PKP Group will actively support PKP CARGO in re-launching regular connections between Poland and Sweden, which will contribute to the development of both parties. The new route will open a promising corridor connecting Scandinavia with Poland and the Mediterranean basin” emphasizes Alan Beroud, President of the Management Board of PKP SA and Chairman of the International Union of Railways (UIC).

“Connections between Poland and Sweden can be realized through container terminals in Świnoujście and Gdynia. Launching such a connection will bring benefits to customers of both companies throughout Europe, giving them access to additional terminals and a wide network of rail connections. We intend to involve all interested parties in the implementation of this project”, adds Monika Starecka, acting Member of the Management Board for Finance of PKP CARGO SA in restructuring.

Thanks to the ferry connections, companies from Poland, the Czech Republic and other countries of Central and Southern Europe will gain new logistics opportunities. Using modern multi-system locomotives, PKP CARGO International is able to carry out transport to several European countries, including without changing the locomotive all the way to the Adriatic. – PKP CARGO International has the resources and competences to carry out even the most demanding orders. Our plans for the development of intermodal connections are ambitious, which is why we invite all interested parties to cooperate – emphasizes Łukasz Grzesło, President of PKP CARGO International.

The project of restoring rail and ferry connections between Poland and Sweden will not only be an important business venture, but will also be in line with the European sustainable development strategy, as well as the sustainable development policy implemented by Green Cargo and PKP CARGO.

The meeting was also an opportunity to exchange experiences related to the rail market in Europe, Sweden and Poland. Alan Beroud, as chairman of the International Union of Railways UIC, raised key issues concerning the development of rail transport in Europe and discussed the specifics of rail transport operations in Sweden.

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