AI and quantum computing, the main focus of Renfe’s TrenLab

Renfe launches a new challenge to emerging technologies with the focus on key technologies for the transformation of the railway sector. Artificial intelligence and quantum computing are among the challenges of the VI Call for acceleration of startups of Renfe’s TrenLab.

Virtual assistants that help customers find a seat on the next train, instant updates to information about routes or platform changes, data capture using voice recognition, data encryption that protects railway operations and makes them invulnerable to cyberattacks.

These are just some of the solutions that Renfe is seeking through the 6th Call for its TrenLab acceleration programme, which the company has just launched and whose deadline for submission ends on 10 September.

Spain’s main railway operator is making progress in consolidating its innovative leadership with its commitment to open innovation, this time focusing on artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing. The transformative role of AI in the railway sector has been consolidating for several years now and is expected to have a major impact on practically all economic sectors.

Quantum computing, for its part, is in its infancy, but investment data from around the world provide an idea of ​​the importance of the race to lead this technology, which will be decisive for the railway sector and mobility in general. In 2023 alone, investments totalling USD 1.2 trillion were made worldwide, according to The Quantum Insider, and more than 30 governments have committed more than USD 40 billion in public funding for quantum technologies in the next decade.

In addition, quantum computing has a close relationship with artificial intelligence, as both technologies can benefit from each other.

Renfe’s TrenLab: Four challenges to challenge the startup ecosystem

In the past five editions, challenges related to digitalization, the metaverse, artificial intelligence, sustainability or customer experience were launched. The VI TrenLab Call, which is now open and whose submission deadline ends on September 10, proposes the following challenges to startups:

  • AI-powered transformation of customer service at stations

Renfe is seeking innovative technological solutions that, by taking advantage of advanced AI capabilities, transform the customer service system at stations, turning it into a comprehensive and efficient service centre to offer quick, personalised and effective responses to passengers to proactively resolve their needs.

  •  Improving real-time customer information

Continuing its commitment to artificial intelligence, Renfe is seeking solutions that improve the customer experience by providing real-time information before, during and after journeys, offering a higher level of interaction with Renfe through instant feedback and active listening to customers.

  • Automation and digitalization of railway maintenance

Renfe seeks to automate and digitalise data capture during the execution of rolling stock maintenance to improve efficiency and precision in the inspection, reporting and management processes of technical documentation and repairable and non-repairable parts.

  • Operational efficiency with Quantum Computing

Renfe is also betting on quantum computing to address critical challenges in the optimization of schedules and routes, the efficient allocation of resources such as trains and crew, as well as strengthening cybersecurity, through the implementation of quantum algorithms that allow for faster and more accurate decision-making.

A unique acceleration programme

Renfe understands open innovation as a space for collaboration and co-creation, in which the railway operator is fully involved. Therefore, in addition to offering the winning technology companies 50,000 euros for the development of their pilots and the opportunity to win a contract worth up to one million euros, it provides them with a network of experts and mentors from its different business units, who provide their knowledge and experience for the optimal development of the pilots.

In addition, entrepreneurs will receive specialised training, masterclasses and workshops and activities on key subjects for the growth of a startup, such as communication, sales, legal advice or investments.

To date, TrenLab has analysed up to 1,200 startups, of which 22 have been accelerated. For its part, Renfe has invested more than EUR 2.3 million in the pilots developed through the accelerator and has signed contracts worth EUR 4.7 million with startups such as Visualfy, Greemko, AllRead and Limmat Group, which have become suppliers of the company.

All the information is available at

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