Rail Baltica JV announced that six international consortia including design and engineering companies from the Baltics and other European countries have qualified for the second stage of procurement for the Latvian section between Vangaži, Salaspils and Misa and ten companies for Tallinn–Rapla section, in Estonia. The deadline of the submission of the proposals for the section in Estonia is 13 February 2019 and for Latvia 19 February 2019.
“Both railway sections include a high-number infrastructure objects some of which are with high degree of complexity such as the bridge over the river Daugava and viaduct over Tallinn-Rapla highway. Therefore, we are pleased to see that the applicants have vast experience in engineering for large infrastructure projects with similar challenges and the scope,” says Mart Nielsen, Chief Technical Officer of RB Rail AS.
According to the preliminary design, the section Vangaži–Salaspils–Misa in Latvia will be 64 km long with 33 viaducts and overpasses as well as connection to the Rail Baltica Intermodal Logistics Centre in Salaspils and the planned infrastructure maintenance point in Vangaži. In addition, the line contains 11 bridges, including one of the most notable structures in Latvia, a 1.3 km long bridge across the Daugava river.
The length of the railway section Tallinn–Rapla in Estonia will reach 48 km with planned 24 viaducts and overpasses and 4 ecoducts.
By now 7 out of 11 procurements of the detailed technical designs have been launched, covering 57% of the entire Rail Baltica line. For Estonia, the detailed technical design procurements are underway for the entire line from Latvia/Estonia border to Tallinn. In Latvia, two out of four designs have been launched around Riga (Central section) and the same for Lithuania – two sections out of four, spanning from Kaunas to Lithuania/Latvia border.
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