Up – to – date information for railway businesses and professionals
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The future Northern Latitudinal Railway concessionaire is currently completing design and survey work in order to begin construction works in 2019 which will be completed…

UITP has announced that automated metro lines across the world have reached the 1000 km milestone…

Over the next 20 years, the needed investment for the modernisation and development of Croatian railway infrastructure was estimated at EUR 6.7 billion…

On May 15, all eleven members Siemens Alstom’s future Board of Directors were announced, with six independent members, including two designated by Siemens…

Network Rail Chief Executive, Mark Carne, launched on May 10 the National Digital Railway Strategy, setting out a fifteen-year roadmap…

Alstom has signed a contract worth around EUR 5 million to provide the signalling system for the new viaduct of the San Martín Line…

Kosovo Railways Infrastructure, Infrakos, has launched the tender for the rehabilitation of the Southern Part of Railway Route 10…

RB Rail announced the tender for design and supervision services for the construction of the new line on the Vangaži–Salaspils–Misa section …

The Nigerian Federal government has awarded China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) a USD 6.68 billion contract for the construction…

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between ÖBB’s Rail Cargo Group and DHL Global Forwarding with the aim of establishing…

Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced a EUR 1 billion investment for Calgary’s Green Line light rail project, which is the largest…

UK rolling stock owner Eversholt Rail has joined the Revolution VLR consortium, which has been formed to deliver a fully operational very light rail hybrid DMU demonstrator…

Under the 2018-2019 budget, Western Australian Government allocated USD 2.7 billion for Metronet railway projects, making the largest investment for...

The two companies signed an agreement to improve cargo handling process at the border crossing between the two countries…

Victoria opens a new rail section under Murray Basin project

Hull Trains revealed the first artist’s impression of the new trains set to hit the tracks as part of a major GBP 60 million (EUR 68.7 million) investment…

The House of Representatives of Egypt approved the amendments to the 1980 Railway Act on establishing the Egyptian Railway Authority (ERA) which will allow private sector to...

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